Few of the most popular Courses our learners take
We have qualified tutors in computer field that train different level of computer learning
VOLCANO TECH HUB is a non-profit organisation founded by two MasterCard Foundation scholars who seek to solve challenges that most of the community members are facing, such as youth empowerment and technology education programs among others through different training that offer technology literacy skills. The organisation intends to uplift the lives of the out of school youths and refugee men and women from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, South Sudan, Rwanda and the host community in UGANDA. This organisation started in December 2018 and offers to youths and teachers, an opportunity to be train and learn with tutors to improve their ability to develop a positive attitude towards their future. The long-term goal of VOLCANO TECH HUB is to empower the young generation to break habits that are leading to failure and trouble in schools and in the community streets through the use of educational technology.
VOLCANO TECH HUB is a grassroots that is in a direct response to the growing number of young people that are either falling through the cracks at school or are already entangled by the education system. It offers disadvantaged youth the opportunity to make a drastic change in their lives. The organisation is positioned to be most quantifiable to teachers and young people who otherwise would be facing technology problem in the teaching, school system management, and learning process.
Our core values: Integrity, Total Involvement, Relevant actions, Excellency, Accountability, Transparency, Unity.
We have qualified tutors in computer field that train different level of computer learning